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Human Rights Commentary No. (2) of the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: Questions About the Continuation of the Impunity PolicyA human rights commentary on the issue of prisoners of conscience (1)Bahrain: Summons for Interrogation, A Tool to Suppress FreedomsBahrain: The rate of human rights violations does not suggest an implementation of human rights reforms in the near futureRebai: We call again for the release of those sentenced to death and the civilians in Qurain Military PrisonZainab Khamis: It is necessary to make reparations, pay compensations, and return the released prisoners to studies, work, and normal life.BFHR’s conference: Renewed calls for releasing prisoners, making reparation, and compensating victimsWebinar on Bahrain’s recent releases of political detainees: Ongoing undermining of freedoms perpetuates arbitrary arrestsThe Human Rights Position on Developments in Bahraini affairsBFHR’s Symposium on the International Human Rights Day: Bahrain Systematically Infringes Human Rights The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: A new attack on press freedom, and the OHCHR is required to publicly and clearly condemn the crimes of the occupying entityRecommendations by Int’l rights groups condemning Gaza’s horrific genocide181 Organización de derechos humanos exige una sesión urgente de la Asamblea General Sobre la base de la decisión "Unidos pro Paz" y la formación de una Corte Penal Internacional EspecialOrganizzazioni in difesa dei diritti umani richiedono una sessione urgente dell’Assemblea generale dell’Onu In base alla decisione “Unirsi per la Pace” e per la formazione di una Corte penale internazionale straordinaria181 Menschenrechtsorganisation fordert eine Dringlichkeitssitzung der Generalversammlung auf der Grundlage des "Uniting for Peace"-Beschlusses und der Einrichtung eines internationalen Sonderstrafgerichtshofs181 Une organisation de défense des droits de l\'homme demande une session d\'urgence de l\'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies sur la base de la décision "S\'unir pour la paix", et la formation d\'un Tribunal Pénal International Spécial181 Human Rights Organization Demands an Urgent Session of the General Assembly On the Basis of the “Uniting for Peace” Decision and the Formation of a Special International Criminal Court111 Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft fordern den Schutz der palästinensischen Bevölkerung, ein Ende der Belagerung des Gazastreifens und die Freilassung aller Gefangenen.111 organizzazioni della società civile chiedono  La protezione del popolo palestinese, la fine dell\'assedio di Gaza e il rilascio di tutti i prigionieri111 organizaciones de la sociedad civil piden que se proteja al pueblo Palestino, se ponga fin al asedio de Gaza y se libere a todos los presos111 Organisations de la société civile appellent à la protection du peuple palestinien, mettre fin au siège de Gaza et la libération tous les prisonniers111 Civil society organizations call for Protecting the Palestinian people, ending the siege on Gaza, and releasing all prisonersBahrain: UN expert alarmed by health of human rights defenders in prisonA report by three human rights organizations about violations during the Ashura season in Bahrain this yearBFHR: The security authorities summoned nine citizens after they performed Friday prayers in DurazGhina Rebai: The Forgotten Prisons in Qurain Military Prison - Al-Mayadeen EnglishHuman Rights Organisations: Escalating Cases of Arbitrary Executions in Saudi Arabia Raise Concerns about the fate of Dozens Inmates on Death Row16 Human Rights Organizations Urge Bahrain to Protect Inmates on Death RowFollowing the execution of 2 Bahraini victims of torture: 3 Bahraini Human Rights Organisations: Saudi Arabia reveals its black judicial record: Relentless political executions*The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: The arbitrary arrest of religious scholar Sanqour portends a new wave of targeting religious freedom... and resisting normalization is not a crimeA news report on the event titled “Bahrain, an Environment that Represses Press Freedom”The BFHR in cooperation with the KRC in an oral intervention at the Human Rights Council: Failing to end the normalization of relations with the authority that occupies the Palestinian territories means that the promotion and protection of human rights announced by the government will be in the Israeli way of unlimited increase of violations and repression.Joint Statement by 127 Human Rights Organizations Over the Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference Calling on participants to work on stopping all forms of repression and political persecution in Bahrain.BFHR’s panel, PoCs’ families: Our beloved ones are victims of the systematic retribution; GoB’s oversight bodies are implicatedPrisoners of Conscience in Bahrain’s Jau Prison: We will have to go on an open strike if the deteriorating situation is not addressed The Bahrain Forum documents the violations against the prisoner of conscience Ahmed Jaafar166 organizations from more than 21 countries, including the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights, call on the international community for emergency aid and for lifting sanctions on SyriaBFHR’s symposium: Supporting prisoners of conscience is a human and moral duty172 Zivilgesellschaftliche und menschenrechtliche Organisationen und Netzwerke  fordern ein Ende der humanitären Katastrophe im Jemen, die Aufhebung der Blockade und die Stiftung des Friedens unter den Jemeniten. rete e organizzazione legale e civile172 pretendere di fermarsi catastrofe umanitaria nello Yemen, revocando l’embargo  e costruendo la pace tra gli yemeniti172 Red y organización civil y de derechos humanos Pide el fin de la catástrofe humanitaria en Yemen, levantando el bloqueo y construyendo la paz entre los yemeníes172 Network and human rights and civil organization calls for an end to the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, lifting the blockade and building peace among Yemenis162 Bahraini political prisoners demand provision of humane conditions in the regime’s prisonsThe BFHR organizes a photo exhibition about human rights violations in front of the Human Rights CouncilA news report on the attendance of the BFHR at the Universal Periodic Review in GenevaA symposium by the BFHR, SALAM DHR and GIDHR issuing the joint report \'Bahrain: The Lost Religious Tolerance (2)’The participation of Ghina Rebai, researcher in the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association, and Arbitrary Judicial Rulings in Bahrain, in the UPR pre-sessions145 Networks and Human Rights Organization Condemn the Assault on Dr. Aziz Ghali, President of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights41st session of the UPR Working GroupMemorandum of Understanding with the UN High Commissioner and Bahrain’s National Plan for Human Rights: Rights concerns over the seriousness of the authorityA written statement by the Khiam Center and the Bahrain Forum in the Human Rights Council on: Violations of political rights in Bahrain Arbitrary Arrests in Bahrain (2011 – 2021)Bahrain Forum for Human Rights commenting on the Ministry of Labor and Social Development’s banning the candidacy of members from a longest-standing rights association in the country: the procedure is a disappointing message to the High Commissioner confirming the miscarriage of freedom of association and the perpetuation of political isolationMembers of the advisory body of the Bahrain Forum for Human RightsBFHR: Security authorities force activist Ali Muhanna to sign a pledge not to demonstrate in solidarity with prisoners of conscienceParmi eux se trouve le Forum de Bahreïn pour les droits de l\'homme .. 99 coalition, réseau, organisation de défense des droits humains  condamnent le coup d\'État militaire au Soudan Il salue le peuple soudanais pour avoir résisté à son renversement et traduit les putschistes en justice Il appelle les Nations Unies et l\'Union européenne à ne pas le reconnaîtreEntre ellos se encuentra el Foro de Derechos Humanos de Bahrein ... 252 redes y organizaciones de derechos humanos condenan la decisión del gobierno de ocupación y apartheid sobre las seis organizaciones palestinas de la sociedad civil y de derechos humanosParmi eux se trouve le Forum de Bahreïn pour les droits de l\'homme…252 réseauxet organisations de défense des droits humainsThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: Security authorities use excessive force to suppress two demonstrations against normalization with the Zionist EntityA symposium by the KRC and the BFHR on the sidelines of the 47th session of the Human Rights Council entitled “Bahrain: The Reality of Political RightsBFHR: Among them is a football player… The Bahraini authorities arrest four citizens for inciting hatred against the regime A written statement by the KRC and the BFHR to the Human Rights Council on the violation of political rights in BahrainA written statement by the KRC and the BFHR to the Human Rights Council on: The US Department of Justice’s blocking of the LuaLua Satellite Channel website and more than 30 websitesNGOs: The Bahraini Authorities Took Advantage of the Covid-19 Pandemic to Restrict the Religious Freedoms of Shia Citizens in this Year’s AshuraTémoignage d’un prisonnier d’opinion, Younis Al-Nasiri, sur les émeutes dans la prison centrale de Jau – En avril 2021 à Bahreïn. Traduit par Savine Gilibert.Testimony of Prisoner of Conscience, Younis Al-Nasiri, on Disturbances in Jau Central Prison – Bahrain in April 2021A symposium by the Khiam Center and the BFHR at the Human Rights Council on violations of political rights in BahrainThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: US blocking of the LuaLua TV website and more than 30 media websites is a flagrant violation of the freedom of the pressHuman rights organizations demand respecting the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation and determine their destiny and expel the apartheid state from the United NationsCivil Society Organizations\' Memorandum for the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the right to elections in JerusalemA Memoir of the Suppression of Prison Unrest in BahrainThird Bahrain Forum and SALAM DHR Update: No Transparency by Authorities over Number of Infected Detainee Cases, and 24 Summonses issued in the Last 2 DaysBahraini human rights groups welcome appointment of Dr. Agnes Callamard as Amnesty International\'s Secretary-GeneralBahrain Forum and SALAM DHR Update: Prisoners Complain of Hunger and Infected Cases exceed 50Bahrain Forum and SALAM DHR : An Update on Prisoner COVID Cases in BahrainEuropean Parliament condemns death penalty, torture and harassment of human rights defenders in Bahrain.Ghina Rebai: How do we assess the roundup of a decade of abuse in prisons?In a webinar on the Black Decade for Rights in Bahrain: Relentless suppression of freedomsBahrain Forum for Human Rights: The Royal Court exercises religious persecution by nationalizing the Jafari endowments to undermine the independence of religious affairsThe deployment of the Covid-19 pandemic for religious persecution – A report on Ashura 2020 in BahrainForum de Bahreïn pour les droits de l\'homme: les déclarations du président français concernant les caricatures offensives contre le prophète (PSL) encouragent au discours de haine contre les musulmans*Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: French President\'s Statements Regarding Offensive Cartoons against the Prophet (PBUP) Encourage Hate Speech against MuslimsThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights emphasizes the right of Secretary-General of the Haq Movement, Mr. Hassan Mushaima, to receive the necessary treatment and obtain full freedomThree Bahraini human rights organizations: The declaration of normalization between Bahrain and the Israeli occupation entity is the most dangerous decision by the ruling authorities that undermined the concept of national sovereignty and violated local and international lawsAt a digital symposium by the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR), the report "False Justice" was launched, with the participation of human rights and judicial figuresThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights extends its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims of the Beirut explosion.Trois organisations de défense des droits humains saluent la déclaration du Haut-Commissaire aux droits de l\'homme sur les condamnations à mort au Bahreïn.Three human rights organizations welcome the statement of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on death sentences in BahrainThree Bahraini human rights organizations congratulate HRD Nabeel Rajab on his release and confirm his right and the rest of the prisoners of conscience to obtain complete freedom without conditionsThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: The Jaafari Endowments Directorate encroach on religious freedoms by exploiting the Coronavirus crisis under government guidanceThree Bahraini organisations call on the Bahraini authorities to take measures to protect the health of detainees and free all prisoners in light of Coronavirus pandemicThree Bahraini HROs: Yemen is facing Novel Corona Virus danger while 95% of its healthcare system capacities are damaged since the beginning of the Saudi-led warThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: The Ministry of Labor and Social Development escalates assault on civil societyBFHR responding to NIHR: You are busy denying violations while scabies cases in prisons need medical follow-up and deprivation of treatment is a main way of torturing prisonersBahrain Forum for Human Rights: The murder of Soleimani and al-Muhandis is "state terrorism" and proves that the US military bases were used to commit the violationsBahrain Forum for Human Rights: 24 cases of enforced disappearance were monitored in NovemberSALAM DHR and BFHR issue report: No Tolerance for Religious Rituals of Ashura in Bahrain54 violations of religious freedom duringNGOs In an urgent appeal to International CommunityBFHR Health of torture victim Hussein Khamis deteriorates while security members amuse themselves by calling him crazyBFHR The NIHR is lying about torture victim Hussein Khamis and instead of investigating his case it is doing what it does best circumventing and sugar-coating violationsThree Bahraini organisations call on Member States of the Human Rights Council to stand up for human rights in Bahrain at HRC41 and beyondBahrain Forum for Human Rights: 1,102 hate-inciting media materials and messages were detected in May in BahrainJSC AND BFHRThe shocking crime against 37 victims reflects the SaudiUN human rights chief deeply concerned by mass terrorism convictions in BahrainBahraini Human Rights Groups: Interior Minister a model of immunityBrief statement: Protecting Perpetrators and Prosecuting VictimsBFHR: Arbitrary sentences amounting to 680 years issued after an unfair trial of 171 Bahrainis that was based on false investigationsAnimation: Watch the full story of Hameem al-AraibiBFHR: Thank you Australia and human rights organizations supporting Hakeem al-AraibiReport: Electoral intimidationHuman rights organisations call upon Thailand to release Bahraini footballer al-Araibi who faces risk of deportation to Bahrain where he fears for his safetyThree human rights organizations launch a report that monitors electoral intimidation in BahrainReport summary Bahrain Elections Without IntegrityBahraini NGOS Condemning the decision of Germany to deport Bahraini citizen Ahmed Nawar to BahrainSheikh Ali Salman sentenced to life in prison and systematic violations increase in BahrainChased without Protection: Silence, or Prison, Death, and DeportationThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights records 1272 human rights violations in the Monthly IndicatorJOINT STATEMENT: 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatoryFour Bahraini Human Rights Organizations hold the Bahraini authorities responsible for the deterioration of the health situation of opposition leader Hassan MushaimaBFHR: Ending the security siege does not eliminate the right to hold individuals accountable legallyMonthly IndicatorThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights records 1272 human rights violations in the Monthly IndicatorBFHR: Two women arrested from Nuwaidrat on Thursday at dawn during an illegal raidThe human rights situation in Bahrain continued to deteriorate in April 2018THE ANTI TERRORISM LAWThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights calls on the OHCHR and international human rights bodies to urgently intervene to stop the death sentences in BahrainMonthly report for examining the human rights situation and monitoring violationsBFHR: Monthly report for examining the human rights situation and monitoring violationsbfhr: 145 violations were observed in one day on the occasion of February 14The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights launches the Monthly Indicator: 995 violations in January in BahrainKingdom of PersecutionBFHR: Enforced disappearance of 15 citizens from 7 different areas continuesBFHR: The Prospects of the continuation of military trial for civilian victims are crumbling and the authorities insist on intensifying sanctionsMisinformation on Amnesty International in Bahraini embassy reportBahrain: Relatives of exiled activists continue to be targeted amid ongoing unrestBFHR in response to the NIFHBFHR commenting on the sentences issued by the military judiciary: A black day in the history of justice in Bahrain"Death or Confession": a report by human rights organizations monitors the torture of civilians in Bahrain's first military trialA Crime Outside Coverage a human rights report on the grave violations in suppressing the peaceful assembly near the house of Ayatollah QassimBahraini human rights organizations welcome the statement of four UN experts on the health situation of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa QassimBahrain: UN experts welcome medical care for Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim but urge full respect for rightsThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights calls for enabling an independent medical body to supervise the health status of Ayatollah QassimBFHR: 64 peaceful protests over Ayatollah Qassim's case, twelve of them were repressed, in five daysBFHR: Enforced disappearance of 7 citizens, including 2 children, from 5 areas continuesBFHR: 20 raids and 17 arbitrary arrests in 8 areas in 3 daysBFHR to NIHRBFHR: 439 media materials and messages inciting hatred were recorded in October in BahrainBFHR: Secret military courts begin to try civilians, some of whom have been subjected to enforced disappearance for 13 monthsBahraini Human Rights Organizations: The Political Space in Bahrain is turning Dark Black amid the Dissolution of "Waad" Political Party Revealing Lack of Judicial IndependencyJaw Prison administration devises new ways to retaliateBahraini human rights organizations appeal to the international community and human rights organizations to save prisoners in BahrainBFHR: 144 hate-inciting materials by journalist Saeed al-Hamad were observedBFHR: 82 provocative media materials against the campaign #arresting_children_of_Bahrain were recordedBahraini human rights organizations submitted 13 reports to the 36th session of the Human Rights Council in cooperation with Arab and international organizationsBFHR: Enforced disappearance of 12 citizens from 4 Bahraini areas continues, one of whom has been in that state for more than one yearBFHR: 255 media materials and messages inciting hatred were recorded in September in BahrainBFHR: The enforced disappearance of five citizens from three areas of BahrainBFHR: 519 hate-inciting media materials and messages were recorded in August in BahrainFive Bahraini human rights organizations launch joint report on Bahrain 3rd UPR discussed in the UN Human Rights Council next ThursdayThe 27th UPR Session in Geneva on Bahrain's Human rights RecordBahraini NGOs Welcome Speech given by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Urge Bahraini Authorities to CooperateBAHRAIN: 'NO ONE CAN PROTECT YOU': BAHRAIN'S YEAR OF CRUSHING DISSENTFormer MP spends more than 700 days in solitary confinement in BahrainChambers of Death" is a report that monitors violations by the National Security Agency (NSA) in BahrainBFHR: The Bahraini authorities use their political dispute with Qatar to bring malicious charges against Al-Wefaq senior member, Sheikh Hassan IsaBFHR: 373 media materials and messages inciting hatred were monitored in July in BahrainBFHR: Ayatollah Qassim has been under house arrest for more than 70 days amid tight security measuresBahraini human rights organizations: The execution in Saudi Arabia is an instrument of persecution and political revenge and we demand to freeze Saudi Arabia's membership in the Human Rights CouncilBFHR: Enforced disappearances of 8 citizens from Diraz continue, and one of which exceeded 270 daysBFHR: Bahraini authorities forcibly deport wife of a dissident cleric for retaliatory and illegal reasonsUN experts urge Bahrain to investigate reports of torture and ill-treatment of rights defender Ebtisam AlsaegBahrain Forum for Human Rights: 689 media materials and messages inciting hatred have been recorded in June in BahrainBahrain Forum for Human Rights: 11 Bahraini female detainees and the Bahraini authorities put them among targets of political revengeBahraini human rights organisations strongly condemn the execution of four activists in Saudi ArabiaUrgent Appeal) Bahrain: Human rights activists are targeted after being exposed to torture in earlier periods)Bahraini Alleged Torture Victim Arrested-Rights GroupSaudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE must stop their actions that violate human rights principles following the severing of ties with QatarBAHRAIN: WOMAN HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER TORTURED, INCLUDING SEXUALLY ASSAULTEDBahrain - Urgent Appeal: Rights activists and bloggers are tortured and forced to suspend and resign from their activitiesBFHR: The Military judiciary in comparison with the standards and guarantees of fair trialsThe Military judiciary in comparison with the standards and guarantees of fair trialsDraft report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic ReviewGeneva 2017 Sees no Activists from BahrainHR Organizations Thank HRC Member-States for Fundamental Recommendations on Violations in BahrainFront Line DefendersFreedom HouseBFHR: Preliminary interrogations of activists are used in order to besiege their legitimate activities to promote human rights coinciding with the UPRUSCIRF : RELIGIOUS FREEDOM CONDITIONSAmnsty:Bahrain: 32 dissidents rounded up within days in clampdown ahead of UN human rights sessionRead : Bahraini authorities started harassing the religious activities carried out by citizens in preparation for Ashura Season.Read from the report : VIOLATION OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOMRead : the number of victims who have a legal or special statusRead : The number of violations by month in 2016BFHR Issues Its Annual Report: Violations became More Systematic, 2389 Violations Documented in 201618 Commitments on Faith for RightsBirut Declaratione on Faith for RightsGIDHR : Updates on the Crackdown on Human Rights in the GulfAmnsty : Bahrain Disastrous move towards patently unfair military trials of civiliansArchive :The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) held its sixth conference under the title "The International Community and Challenges of Human Rights Reform in Bahrain"Archive : Rights activist Sultan: Authorities in Bahrain are avenging human rights defenders and suppressing their freedom of expressionArchive : Salam for Democracy and Human Rights: Bahrain has failed to implement the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendationsArchive : Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (GIDHR): The Bahraini authorities deny Shia citizens the right to worship and to practice their religious beliefsArchive : Human Rights Activist Mohammed Khalil: The Terrorism Law created a fertile ground for the continuation of torture and ill-treatmentReport : The Missing JusticeRebort : the Effectiveness of the National Institute for Human Rights NIHROpening statement of the Sixth International ConferenceThe Right to Independent JudiciaryReporters Without Borders described the official royal speech as brazen lyingThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR)said that sentencing Bahraini journalist Faisal Hiatt to three months in prisonwithThe Bahrain Forum: the Bahraini authorities are working on a project of abolishing the Shiite community from the political presence by a royal decisionThe Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) paper during a parallel session in the Human Rights Council: the Saudi Authorities are Committing the Century’s Massacre against the Yemeni ChildrenYoussef Rabif before the Human Rights Council: criticizing the rulers is not a crime and not a reason for the sectarian and ethnic discrimination and deprivation of health care in BahrainYoussef Rabih: This decision reveals clearly that the government is walking in the opposite direction of the international commandments and announces the Bahraini government’s failure to implement Bassiouni’s recommendationYoussef Rabih before the Human Rights Council: We urge you to protect the freedom of political activity in BahrainThe speech of the Bahrain forum for Human Rights in cooperation with the Khiam Rehabilitation Center in front of the Human Rights CouncilThe Bahrain forum for Human Rights (BFHR) discussed the recent developments in Bahrain with officials from the European Union and ParliamentBahrain Forum for Human Rights condemns preventing the Emirati academic Abdul-Khaleq Abdullah from entering ManamaBFHR: Exiling Sheikh Khojasteh is a Bad Message for the UN Commissioner Delegation in BahrainBFHR: The Bahraini Judiciary Resends the Message of “Sectarian Persecution” to Geneva by Accusing Al-Mishal of Malicious ChargesRabie: Arresting Milad, the Opposition Leader, and Acquitting the Security Member Accused of Firing Shotgun Pellets are Clear Proofs that the Judiciary is disclaiming the International StandardsBFHR Launches its Report Regarding Freedom of Assembly: the Bahraini Authorities Rejected 149 Notifications for Peaceful Assemblies since 2015BFHR: President Obama Should Call on the Gulf Rulers to Allow their People to Participate & Stop the Prosecution against Shiites in BahrainThe final report of the fifth international conference for human rights 2016Bahrain forum welcomes the statement of the US State Department and calls on the Bahraini authorities to stop justifying its failure to improve the human rights situationBahrain Forum for Human Rights condemns preventing the Emirati academic Abdul-Khaleq Abdullah from entering ManamaBFHR: Exiling Sheikh Khojasteh is a Bad Message for the UN Commissioner Delegation in BahrainBFHR: The Bahraini Judiciary Resends the Message of “Sectarian Persecution” to Geneva by Accusing Al-Mishal of Malicious ChargesRabie: Arresting Milad, the Opposition Leader, and Acquitting the Security Member Accused of Firing Shotgun Pellets are Clear Proofs that the Judiciary is disclaiming the International StandardsNGOs: Shockingly unlawful execution of prominent Saudi scholar Sheikh al-Nimr in appalling violation of right to lifeSerious concern for Fadhel Radhi Bahraini activist detained in ArmeniaBahrain Forums: journalist Mahmoud Jaziri arrested arbitrarily new violation against journalistsAn Appeal from Human Rights organizations to drop the death sentences based on confessions extracted under tortureBFHR: We made 11 complaints to the United Nations about the attacks on the authorities Alashouraiah events that will last for two weeksBHFR calls upon UNESCO in a speech on the occasion of World Teachers' Day to review its OpinionRegarding King Hamad’s Award#Third Session: Bahraini Regime Endangers International Peace and SecuritySecond Session: Key Word to Describe Actios in Bahrain is ArbitraryBahraini Regime Breaches Code of Criminal Procedures: Unfair TrialsOpening Session: Violations in Bahrain are Criminal OffensesExecutive Session of 4th International Conference Urges Just Trial for Sheikh Ali Salman26Human Rights NGOs: Arrest of Nabeel Rajab confirms the Bahraini Government’s hostility towards human rights defenderBahrain Forum for Human Rights declares that 58 prominent lawyers from 8 Arab countries are ready to defend Al Wefaq’s Secretary GeneraBahrain Forum for Human Rights: Stripping 72 citizens of their nationalities is a calamity of basic rights of citizenship and a moral execution37Human Rights Organizations Call for the Immediate Release of Al-Wefaq Secretary General19 Human Rights Organizations urgently call the Thailand authorities not to extradite the Bahraini youth Ali Haroun to the Bahraini government fearing from him being tortured againHolding the Bahraini government legally accountable, Bahrain Forum for Human Rights condemns raid on Ayatollah Qassim’s home by security forcesA seminar for the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights discloses facts about the grave consequences of discrimination and naturalization in relation to the absence of justice in BahrainBahrain Forum for Human Rights: Bahraini authorities are arresting women in retaliation for their demands for political changeBahrain Forum for Human Rights: Bahraini authorities are turning the right to lasting citizenship into a toy in the hands of political decisionsSaudi Arabia sentences the political dissident al-Nemer to death for exercising internationally preserved rightsYusuf Rabie: Violating Hussaini rites is an incriminated action by law and accordingly the violator has to be handed in to the justiceBahrain Forum for Human Rights: the British support for Bahrain’s government formal measures helps continue the deterioration of Human RightsYusuf Rabie: New distribution of electoral districts in Bahrain undermines equality among citizens, Cabinet document violates articles in the ConstitutionBahrain Forum for Human Rights: Arresting human rights activist Nabeel Rajab reveals to what extent repression is being exercised in the name of law by targeting human rights defendersBahrain Forum for Human Rights: Keeping Ghada Jamsheer under arrest proves the government’s repressive policiesThe authority’s new electoral district distribution reinforces sectarian oppression in BahrainBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the exclusion of the Bahraini authorities to the citizens with dropped nationalities is a built-up crimeBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the Bahraini authorities used those with withdrawn nationalities as a paper of political blackmailBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the way of arresting doctor Samahiji is humiliating and intimidatingVictims of Torture in Bahrain are in front of two systematic torture crimes and official protection for their tormentors.Bahrain Forum of Human Rights: The prisoner of conscience Hussein Al- Bannaa is on hunger strike because of mistreatment and he is handcuffed and restricted in feet16Human Rights Organizations: The Detention of Abd Al Aziz Al Abbar Corpse is an acknowledgement of the Impunity Policy in Bahrain17 Human Rights Organizations: We call on the international community to take immediate measures to stop the targeting of the Shiites and exert pressure to return Ayatollah Al-Najati to his countryDuring his meeting with a delegation of the Bahrain Forum, Kabalan demanded to stop the forced deportation of Ayatollah Al-NajatyUrgent: Twenty human rights organizations: the threat by forced deportation of Ayatollah Al-Najaty is a consecration of the sectarian oppression in Bahrain, and it is an infringement of laws systemYusuf Rabi: the Bahraini authorities are still using the tools of intimidation in the arrestsBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the invocation of the jurist Al-Musawi is a strike for the human rights work and violation pledgesBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the procrastination of the Bahraini authorities in the treatment of Mushaimeh, endangers himThe Bahrain Forum of Human Rights: the Bahraini authorities’ resorts to the Jordanian gendarmerie which is for the repression and torture purposesThe Bahrain Forum of Human Rights: on the Doctor Day, the Bahraini judiciary supports the imprisonment of Dr. Al- Samahiji for one yearYusuf Rabia: Giving priority to the security option in Bahrain reveals the dominance of the oppressive environment against human rightsCalling for the appointment of a Special UN Rapporteur of transitional justice in BahrainThe Bahrain Forum of Human Rights: the Bahraini authorities use the judiciary to issue ironic sentencesThe Bahrain Forum of Human Rights: the security services punish the childhood: it arrested the family of a baby girl and left her alone at homeBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the patterns of torture which the playwright Sadek Al-Shaabani has submitted divulges the secret of preventing the rapporteur on torture of visiting BahrainYoussef Rabih: the persistence of the security authorities to target the consultant doctors is not devoid of sectarian revengeThe Bahrain Forum of Human rights: ban the site “Bahrain mirror” by a government enemy of the internetBahrain Forum of Human Rights: security authorities are practicing policy of revenge from Bahraini families based on political backgroundsBahrain Forum of Human Rights: the Bahraini government exploited the incident of Al-Diyah to launch a wide campaign of violations"Bahrain… Policies of Oppression and Impunity": a new book for "the Bahrain Forum of Human Rights"The Bahrain Forum of Human Rights showed his concern over the safety of the photographer Ahmed Al Musawi after his subjection to hard tortureCalls for the Immediate Release of Bahrain Human Rights Nabeel Rajab in the second day of the third international conference Bahain: Ongoing Violations and ImpunityThe 3rd International Conference: Ongoing Violations and ImpunityA press conference for Arab institutions in Beirut: more than 480 Bahrain child have been arbitrarily arrested since 2011, and we call upon UNICEF to adopt an immediate humanitarian initiative concerning themThe Bahrain forum filed a complaint for FIFA: Hold the Bahraini government accountable for continuing its violations against athletes and prosecute it politicallyYoussef Rabie: the Bahraini Government is internationally embarrassed due to its failure in front of the peacefulThe forum of Bahrain Human Rights: Bahrain is not tolerating the accumulation of violations anymore, and Bassiouni confirmed the authorities lieThe announcement of the seizure and thwart of weapons smuggling with the end of 2013The Bahrain Forum addressing the Pakistani Government: don't be partners in human rights violationsAt a press conference on the occasion of two years since Bassiouni's reportIn response to the statement of the Supreme Council of judgmentDanish ambassador in Beirut: Our people respect Abdul Hadi al-Khawaja and compares him to Nelson MandelaJoint Statement on the OHCHR and the human rights situation in BahrainBahrain: Still paying a heavy price for freedomClosing Statement of 'International Conference to Support Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain"Events of International Bahraini Conference Continue for the Second Day
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A symposium by the KRC and the BFHR on the sidelines of the 47th session of the Human Rights Council entitled “Bahrain: The Reality of Political Rights


A symposium by the KRC and the BFHR on the sidelines of the 48th session of the Human Rights Council entitled “Bahrain: The Reality of Political Rights”


To watch the symposium, click here:


The Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture, in cooperation with the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR), organized a symposium entitled “Bahrain: The Reality of Political Rights,” on the sidelines of the 47th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, on Friday, September 25, 2021. Dr. Jalal Fairouz, a former MP of the Al-Wefaq parliamentary bloc, Mr. Yahya Al-Hadid, President of the Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, Mr. Abdul-Ghani Khanjar, representative of the Movement of Liberties and Democracy (HAQ) abroad, and Mr. Baqer Darwish, Chairman of the BFHR spoke at the symposium, which was managed by Ghina Rebai, a researcher at the BFHR.


At the opening of the symposium, Rebai said that in Bahrain, the decline of citizenship is not limited to depriving the majority of real political representation and undermining the principle of the people being the source of powers. She noted that this reality is applied in Bahrain, while sound political action in any citizenship state is divided between an authority that implements its political project and a constructive opposition that monitors the work of the authority and criticizes it in a rotating cycle, in which roles are changed and various political groups rule successively each time the people elect them, according to the principle of the peaceful transfer of power and what is included in political freedoms.


Fairouz: The monopoly of power and the absence of the political right has entrenched tyranny in Bahrain and established marginalization, and the country today needs to respect popular opinion, which is the source of power.

As for the former MP of the Al-Wefaq parliamentary bloc, Dr. Jalal Fairouz, he said in his speech that the core of the aggravating problem in Bahrain is that sovereignty is absent and the decision is made by the tribal mentality, where all authorities bypass the people, and the powers are granted only to the king and his family. Fairouz pointed out that "the absence of freedoms in Bahrain confirms that Bahrain’s system is undemocratic despite the constitution's affirmation that the people are the source of powers," stressing that "the people of Bahrain have no authority to form the government and the legislative authority, and therefore have no right to formulate fateful decisions, as in democratic countries.” He also stressed that "the monopoly of power and the absence of political right has entrenched tyranny in Bahrain and established marginalization, and the country today needs to respect popular opinion, which is the source of authority, and needs to draft a new constitution and implement the principle of peaceful transfer of power."


Al-Hadid: The Political Isolation Law eliminated the political right of a large segment of Bahrainis

Mr. Yahya Al-Hadid, President of the Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, commented that the Political Isolation Law eliminated the political right of a large segment of Bahrainis and deprived them of practicing their political activities, in clear violation of the spirit of the constitution, which affirms the right to run and vote. "The dissolution of Al-Wefaq, Wa'ad and other associations and the targeting of their members entrench political isolation and besiege political rights and media and civil liberties, which means that the authorities discriminate against a segment equivalent to half of Bahrain's population," Al-Hadid added. He called for drafting a new constitution, respecting the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, reinstating associations, allowing the practice of journalism, stopping the restriction of political rights, and enacting legislations that protects all civil liberties.


Khanjar: Stubbornness and patch solutions will not satisfy the people of Bahrain, and what is required is to achieve a true democracy

As for Mr. Abdul-Ghani Khanjar, the representative of the Movement of Liberties and Democracy (HAQ) abroad, he commented that "Stubbornness and patch solutions will not satisfy the people of Bahrain, and what is required is to achieve a true democracy through the drafting of a good constitution written by an elected parliament in a serious and fair manner." Khanjar added that "The ruling family should not deal with the people of Bahrain as subjects, and it must change its methodology, stop monopolizing the authorities, and return to making the people the only source of power, otherwise there is no serious solution to the crisis."


Darwish: The Bahraini authorities have taken legislative and executive measures to marginalize the political right and have increasingly entrenched political isolation

As for Mr. Baqir Darwish, Chairman of the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR), he commented that “As a result of the systematic undermining of the political right in Bahrain, there has been a crisis of trust between the people and the authorities for many years, in addition to the many crises the authorities have produced, particularly the human rights and political crises.” In addition, Darwish noted that the Bahraini authorities have taken, since the seventies, legislative and procedural measures to marginalize the political right, leading to their current increase in perpetuating political isolation since the issuance of Law No. 25 of 2018 amending Article 3 of Decree Law No. 14 of 2002 on the Exercise of Political Rights.

The Amiri order issued in 1975 transformed the executive authority into a legislative authority as well


Darwish pointed out that Article 3 of the Amiri Order No. (4) of 1975 regarding the elections stipulates, “The Council of Ministers shall assume the legislative authority with us during that period,” which is what has disrupted the validity of Article 65 of the Constitution and gave the Council of Ministers the power to issue legislations by decree laws for more than twenty years. Darwish added that this is what transformed the executive authority into a legislative authority, in a clear confiscation of the right to a legislative initiative from the citizens despite its violation of Article 108 of the Constitution, noting that the 2002 Constitution and the subsequent constitutional amendments were within the path of undermining the legislative initiative and marginalizing the political right.

Paragraph 50 of the Bassiouni report on undermining the principle of separation of powers

Darwish pointed out that Paragraph 50 of Bassiouni’s report referred to undermining the principle of separation of powers by noting that “The King enjoys broad executive powers, which he exercises both directly and through his ministers, who are appointed and dismissed by Royal Decree. The King is the Supreme Commander of the Bahrain Defense Force (BDF) and presides over the Higher Judicial Council. While the Council of Ministers is collectively accountable to the King, the Council of Deputies may withdraw confidence from any cabinet member by a two-thirds majority. The Constitution stipulates, however, that the Council of Deputies may not withhold confidence from the Prime Minister. Rather, if the Council of Deputies finds, by a two-thirds majority, that it is unable to “cooperate” with the Prime Minister, the matter is referred to the King to adjudge by either dismissing the Prime Minister or disbanding the lower house. Generally, the King has the right to dissolve the Council of Deputies, in which case sessions of the Consultative Council are suspended.”

Darwish explained that the measures taken by the Bahraini authorities regarding political rights violated Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

He added that "the political right of the people of Bahrain has been taken away, in a violation of the international legislations, and the authorities have amended many laws and confiscated many powers, in a flagrant violation of rights, which was documented by the Bassiouni report and the events and measures that followed." Darwish referred to the detailed explanation of the powers granted to the king stated in the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) (Basiouni report), considering it “one manifestation of the marginalization and infringement of the political right, such as dissolving political and civil associations.”

“Some of the forms of political repression is the pursuit and arrest of peaceful activists, and the authorities’ attempt to weaken civil and political society,” Darwish said. He called on the international community and all the human rights institutions thereof to exert serious pressure to respect the political right in Bahrain by addressing the main causes of the crisis in order to achieve transitional justice.

Some of the measures that were in the process of undermining the political right were represented in the constitutional amendments issued since 2002 to a number of laws, including:

- The Law on Exercising Political Rights pursuant to Decree Law No. (14) of 2002, which is the law that regulates the processes of referendum and the election of members of Parliament. The Law on Exercising Political Rights consists of thirty-seven articles, distributed among five chapters, which deal successively with political rights and their practice, voter lists, the organization of the referendum and election processes, referendum and election offenses, and final provisions.

- Decree-Law No. (15) of 2002 on the Consultative Council and the Parliament, which regulates the appointment of members of the Consultative Council and running for Parliament.

- The Amended Decree-Law No. (3) of 2002 on the municipal councils election system.

- Decree-Law No. (6) of 2002, which regulates the election of members of municipal councils.

- Decree-Law No. (16) of 2002 promulgating the National Audit Office Law, which removed the financial and administrative supervision authority from the House of Representatives and granted it to the Royal Court.

- The internal regulations of the House of Representatives promulgated by Decree-Law No. 94 of 2002.

All of these laws – referred to above – were not issued by a legislative body, but rather by the authorities and by a royal will. These laws contradict some principles and legislations that guarantee the political rights of all citizens in accordance with what international laws indicate, and some of them even contradict the principles of Constitutional jurisprudence.

For example, it can be said that Decree-Law No. (15) of 2002 regarding the Consultative Council and the House of Representatives, which regulates the appointment of members of the Consultative Council and running for Parliament, has reduced the people's power in terms of political participation and the management of the country's public affairs – stipulated in Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – since this law caused half of the legislative authority to be appointed by the king.

With regard to the Law on Exercising Political Rights No. (14) of 2002, it can be said that Decree Law No. (13) of 1972 on the Provisions for the Election of the Constituent Assembly – which was adopted for the elections to the House of Representatives in 1973 – was ahead of the Law on Exercising Political Rights No. (14) of 2002. The new law gave the authorities the power to distribute electoral districts and control the voters' lists, according to Article 17 thereof, which stipulates, “[...] a decree shall be issued to specify regions and electoral districts and their boundaries, and the number of sub-committees needed to conduct the polling and counting processes [...].” This led to the unfair distribution of electoral districts, and the removal of many from the voters' list for political reasons.

It should be noted that this law was amended to prevent a large number of citizens from the right to vote and run in the 2018 elections.

With regard to Decree-Law No. (16) of 2002 concerning the National Audit Office, we can say that this law eliminated the authority of financial and administrative supervision from the Council of Representatives and made it subordinate to the Royal Court. Its first article stipulates that “An independent body having public legal personality shall be established under the name, the ‘National Audit Office,’ and is subordinate to the king. The office shall conduct financial supervisions over state funds and the funds of the entities stipulated in Article (4) of this law, and it checks in particular the safety and legality of the use of these funds and their good management according to this law.”

Added on: 2021-10-18 15:21:18
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