The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) said that the official positions of the Bahraini government in addition to the security and media measures the government has resorted to in order to mislead the international public opinion with regard to its violation of the right to proper treatment of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, the highest religious authority for Shiites in Bahrain, confirm the need for enabling an independent medical body to supervise the health status of Ayatollah Qassim. The BFHR also called on the United Nations and the High Commission to pressure and oblige the Bahraini authorities to activate the international censorship mechanisms in this humanitarian issue. The BFHR stressed that the security siege and the imposition of house arrest in violation of national and international laws, prevented Sheikh Isa Qassim from having full access to the necessary medical follow-up before going to the Bahrain International Hospital on Monday 12/4/2017, and therefore he suffered some complications. The BFHR reminded medical institutions to abide by the Charter of Honor and medical ethics provided for in Article 26 of Law No. 7 of 1989 with regard to the practice of the medical profession.
Bahrain Forum for Human Rights 12/5/2017 |