Serious concernfor Fadhel Radhi Bahraini activist detained in Armenia Human rights organizations signatories to this statement arefollowing with severe concern the case of Bahraini activist, Fadhil Radhi, whowas detained in Armenia following his escape from Bahrain after being sentencedto seven years in prison on political and arbitrary reasons Bahrain’s Criminal PoliceDepartment, an authority subject to the Bahraini authorities, issued a redwarning to the International Criminal Police Organization, ICPC, culminating inthe arrest of Mr. Radhi. The Bahraini authorities demanded that the ICPC takethe necessary steps to extradite Mr. Radhi back to Bahrain. Armenian police arrested Mr.Radhi and detained him at Yerevan Police Department, informing the ICPC and theArmenian General Prosecutor of his detention The signatory organizations ofthis statement assert that Bahrain has an abundantly clear history of detainingand sentencing activists, pegging unfounded charges on them, and extractingfalse confessions through severe torture and inhuman and degrading treatment.Numerous independent and international human rights organizations haveconfirmed that the Bahraini judiciary is significantly prejudice and has arepetitive habit of using its powers as a tool to suppress human rights andpolitical citizens. Thus, charges and orders against Mr. Radhi emanating fromthe Bahraini judiciary should not be immediately accepted. We urge the Armenianauthorities and ICPC to take this into consideration. Mr. Radhi and many otherBahrainis on the ICPC criminal list were put there by request of the Bahrainiauthorities after being pursued by the Bahraini judiciary in a fashion contraryto international standards. The Bahraini authorities have repeatedly pursued humanrights, civil, and political activists internationally, and uses internationalagreements to assist it in this regard. We sincerely hope you do not to complywith the requests by Bahrain to extradite Mr. Radhi, without making sure thereis a clear criminal case against him that came about through an impartial andindependent judiciary that possesses capabilities to administer fair trials :Signatory organisations Bahrain Forum for Human Rights- Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victim of Torture- International Council for fair trial and Human Rights- Arabic Committee for Human Rights- TheEuropean-Bahraini Organisation for Human Rights- Justice Human Rights Organization- TheInternational Center for Supporting Rights and Freedoms- SALAM for Democracy and Human Rights- Human Rights and Democracy Media Center- Oman Center for Human Rights Studies- Aman Network for Rehabilitation and Dedefense of Human Rights- Arab Commission for Human Rights- |