ar-lb Bahrain Forum for Human Rights Bahrain Forum for Human Rights Human Rights Commentary No. (2) of the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: Questions About the Continuation of the Impunity Policy The testimonies of prisoners of conscience that are still being received from Bahraini prisons show the continuation of some forms of violations, including those related to violating the right to receive the appropriate and necessary medical treatment. In addition, some prisoners were transferred to Building No. (2), which has become known as the “isolation building,” as a form of punishment. A human rights commentary on the issue of prisoners of conscience (1) Bahrain’s human rights record shows that the issue of prisoners of conscience formed a basis for the production and development of many violations, including: individual violations, collective violations, and violations affecting the victim’s relatives. Bahrain: Summons for Interrogation, A Tool to Suppress Freedoms The Bahraini authorities continue to criminalize freedom of opinion and expression and hold accountable those who exercise this right, as if it were a felony or misdemeanor that requires alerting interrogation agencies. Meanwhile, these same authorities still do not see any problem in the practices of the security services, who commit violations, misdemeanors, and sometimes even felonies against peaceful citizens and prisoners of conscience. So, these crimes are tolerated and their perpetrators go unpunished. Bahrain: The rate of human rights violations does not suggest an implementation of human rights reforms in the near future On April 8, 2024, the Bahraini authorities released hundreds of political detainees. The number of political detainees had been more than 1,300 in Bahraini prisons, and after the releases, it became more than 560 detainees. Rebai: We call again for the release of those sentenced to death and the civilians in Qurain Military Prison The full speech of Ghina Rebai, a researcher at the BFHR, in the virtual press conference that was organized by the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) on Saturday May 11 2024 Zainab Khamis: It is necessary to make reparations, pay compensations, and return the released prisoners to studies, work, and normal life. The full speech of Zainab Khamis - Head of the Monitoring and Documentation Committee of the Bahrain Human Rights Society, in the virtual press conference that was organized by the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR), on Saturday May 11 2024. Ibtisam Al-Saegh: The prisoners who have been released need financial, psychological and social support The full speech by Ibtisam Al-Sayegh in the virtual press conference that was organized by the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) on Saturday May 11 2024 Amnesty International: Not everything has changed, the government still has very sharply drawn red lines The speech of Devin Kenney, a researcher at Amnesty International in the virtual press conference organized by The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) on Saturday May 11 2024 BFHR’s conference: Renewed calls for releasing prisoners, making reparation, and compensating victims The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) organized a virtual press conference on Saturday May 11 2024, with the participation of Devin Kenney, researcher at Amnesty International (AI), Zainab Khamis, head of the Monitoring and Documentation Committee at the Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS), Ibtisam Al-Saegh, head of monitoring and documentation at SALAM for Democracy and Human Rights (SALAM DHR), and Ghina Rebai, researcher at the BFHR. The conference was about the issue of prisoners of conscience in Bahrain and was hosted by Bahraini journalist, Murtada Al-Talbi. The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights comments on the renewed application of political isolation against the former president of the Bahrain Human Rights Society For the second time, the Ministry of Social Development rejected the nomination of the former President of the Bahrain Human Rights Society, Mr. Abdul Jalil Yousef, for membership in the Board of Directors (2024-2025). A Statement from a number of NGOs’ on US Campus protests The peaceful assemblies in American Universities and legitimate exercise of the right to freedom of expression and the students' calls for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to US military assistance for Israel and university divestment from arms suppliers, have faced harsh crackdowns including mass suspensions, evictions from university housing, and arrests of students, professors, legal observers, and journalists covering these events. Webinar on Bahrain’s recent releases of political detainees: Ongoing undermining of freedoms perpetuates arbitrary arrests The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) organized a webinar on Friday, April 19, 2024, in which its chairman Baqir Darwish along with chairman of Salam for Democracy & Human Rights Organization, Jawad Fairouz have discussed the latest release of a group of political detainees.  The panel was moderated by BFHR’s researcher Ghina Rabai. BFHR’s “Release the Prisoners of Bahrain” webinar calls for immediate & unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience & maintaining transitional justice In parallel with the “Release Bahrain Prisoners” cyber campaign, the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) has organized a webinar on its Instagram platform (Saturday evening, April 27, 2024) with the participation of Activist Ali Muhanna;  Former member of the Al-Wefaq Shura Council, Youssef Rabie;  The spokesman for the Bahrain’s Political Prisoners’ Affairs Committee, Jaafar Yahya.  The webinar has been moderated by journalist Sondoss Al Asaad. The Human Rights Position on Developments in Bahraini affairs The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) organized a virtual conference titled “The Human Rights Position on Developments in Bahraini affairs,” on April 19, 2024. The conference coincided with the recent developments in the human rights situation in Bahrain, namely the release of a large number of prisoners of conscience, while there are still more than 500 prisoners of conscience who have not been released. The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights joins the Global Alliance to End Statelessness The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights has joined the Global Alliance to End Statelessness BFHR’s Symposium on the International Human Rights Day: Bahrain Systematically Infringes Human Rights  On Monday, December 11, 2023, the Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) has organized a virtual symposium under the title “International Human Rights Day,” moderated by journalist Hawraa Yassin, who has pointed out that it is ironic that this day coincides with the establishment of the regime that pioneers violating human rights as it continues today to shed blood of the Palestinians amid the silence of Islamic regimes, which in turn violate the basic rights standards and resort to torture and ill-treatment. The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights: A new attack on press freedom, and the OHCHR is required to publicly and clearly condemn the crimes of the occupying entity While we strongly condemn the crimes of the Israeli occupation entity that have been ongoing for 46 days – including which occurred today in southern #Lebanon and resulted in the killing of 2 journalists from Al-Mayadeen Channel (Farah Omar - Rabei Al-Maamari) and a civilian in hostile bombing on the Tayr Harfa-Al-Jibbayn triangle, in addition to the killing of a Lebanese citizen (Laeqa Sarhan, 80 years old) as a result of targeting her home in the town of Kfarkela – we affirm that the killing of journalists by the Israeli occupation forces is deliberate and systematic targeting. In fact, the latter has sought, since the beginning of its heinous violations in Gaza, to kill journalists by systematically targeting them and their workplaces in an effort to impose a broad media blackout on the entire sector. Recommendations by Int’l rights groups condemning Gaza’s horrific genocide With the participation of human rights activists and civil society organizations from several countries, Insan Organisation for Rights & Liberties has organized an international webinar to discuss the humanitarian situation in Gaza, in light of the continued aggression against besieged Gaza and the worsening humanitarian and rights crisis. 181 Organización de derechos humanos exige una sesión urgente de la Asamblea General Sobre la base de la decisión "Unidos pro Paz" y la formación de una Corte Penal Internacional Especial Desde el 7 de octubre, el Estado ocupante y del apartheid libra una guerra sin controles ni restricciones legales y morales, a través de la cual comete diversos tipos de crímenes internacionales, y no duda en utilizar las  armas internacionalmente prohibidas en su poder. No le importan los principios básicos del derecho internacional humanitario ni del derecho internacional  de los derechos humanos, y los quebranta cada día más. Sus flagrantes violaciones del derecho internacional son indiferentes a cualquier principio o norma imperativa internacional. Por otro lado, nos encontramos  con que los Estados Unidos de América participan en la agresión enviando su flota y sus soldados a la región, y la Unión Europea también alienta la agresión recurriendo a un silencio ensordecedor e inaceptable sobre los crímenes cometidos por Israel tanto desde el punto de vista jurídico como moral. Además, el Consejo de Seguridad;  a pesar de las graves violaciones del derecho internacional público, la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional humanitario que constituyen una amenaza a la paz y la seguridad internacionales; está paralizado e incapaz de cumplir con sus responsabilidades estipuladas en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas. Organizzazioni in difesa dei diritti umani richiedono una sessione urgente dell’Assemblea generale dell’Onu In base alla decisione “Unirsi per la Pace” e per la formazione di una Corte penale internazionale straordinaria Dal 7 di ottobre, lo Stato di occupazione e apartheid conduce una guerra senza controlli o restrizioni legali e morali, commettendo molteplici crimini internazionali senza esitare nell’utilizzo di armi vietate dalla legge internazionale. Dimostra un flagrante disprezzo dei principi fondamentali del diritto umanitario internazionale e dei diritti umani internazionali, con violazioni giornaliere. Le sue gravi violazioni del diritto internazionale ignorano qualsiasi principio o regola internazionale. In questa situazione, gli Stati uniti d’America sostengono l’aggressione con l’invio della sua flotta militare nella regione; inoltre, l’Unione europea incoraggia l’aggressione scegliendo un silenzio assordante al riguardo dei crimini di Israele, inaccettabile sia dal punto di vista legale che morale. Il Consiglio di Sicurezza, a sua volta, rimane paralizzato e incapace di adoperare le sue responsabilità istituzionali nonostante le gravi violazioni del diritto pubblico internazionale, la Carta delle Nazione Unite, i diritti umani, e la giurisprudenza internazionale umanitaria; le quali minano chiaramente alla pace e sicurezza internazionale. 181 Menschenrechtsorganisation fordert eine Dringlichkeitssitzung der Generalversammlung auf der Grundlage des "Uniting for Peace"-Beschlusses und der Einrichtung eines internationalen Sonderstrafgerichtshofs Seit dem siebten Oktober führt der Besatzungs- und Apartheidstaat einen Krieg ohne rechtliche und moralische Kontrollen oder Einschränkungen, in dem er verschiedene Arten von internationalen Verbrechen begeht und nicht zögert, die international verbotenen Waffen in seinem Besitz einzusetzen. Er schert sich nicht um die Grundprinzipien des humanitären Völkerrechts und der internationalen Menschenrechtsnormen und stellt sie jeden Tag aufs Neue auf die Probe. Seine groben Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht sind gleichgültig gegenüber allen zwingenden internationalen Grundsätzen und Regeln. 181 Une organisation de défense des droits de l\'homme demande une session d\'urgence de l\'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies sur la base de la décision "S\'unir pour la paix", et la formation d\'un Tribunal Pénal International Spécial Depuis le 7 octobre, l'Etat d'occupation et d'apartheid mène une guerre sans règles ni restrictions légales ou morales, et commet, ce faisant, toutes sortes de crimes internationaux, n'hésitant pas à utiliser ce qu’il a à sa portée comme armes (internationalement) prohibées. Il ne se soucie pas des principes fondamentaux du droit humanitaire international ni de la Charte Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, et, jour après jour, il s’enfonce dans des violations graves du droit international humanitaire et de la Charte Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, sans s’encombrer d’un quelconque principe, ni d’une règle impérative du droit international. 181 Human Rights Organization Demands an Urgent Session of the General Assembly On the Basis of the “Uniting for Peace” Decision and the Formation of a Special International Criminal Court Since the seventh of October, the occupying and apartheid state has been waging a war without legal and moral controls or restrictions, through which it commits various types of international crimes, and does not hesitate to use the internationally prohibited weapons in its possession. It does not care about the basic principles of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and examines it more and more every day. Its gross violations of international law are indifferent to any international peremptory principle or rule. 111 Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft fordern den Schutz der palästinensischen Bevölkerung, ein Ende der Belagerung des Gazastreifens und die Freilassung aller Gefangenen. Die zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, Institutionen und Koalitionen, die diese Erklärung unterzeichnet haben, verurteilen die Kriegsverbrechen, die von der Armee des Besatzungsstaates und der Apartheid gegen die palästinensische Zivilbevölkerung im Gazastreifen begangen werden, wie z.B. die Tötung, Bombardierung und Zerstörung von Häusern, Wohntürmen und zivilen Einrichtungen, die Verhinderung der Einfuhr von Treibstoff und Gütern und die Unterbrechung der Stromversorgung des Gazastreifens. Dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund, dass die Belagerung des Gazastreifens seit mehr als sechzehn Jahren andauert. 111 organizzazioni della società civile chiedono  La protezione del popolo palestinese, la fine dell\'assedio di Gaza e il rilascio di tutti i prigionieri Le organizzazioni della società civile, le istituzioni e le coalizioni che hanno sottoscritto questa dichiarazione condannano i crimini di guerra commessi dall'esercito dello Stato d'occupazione e dell'apartheid contro i civili palestinesi nella Striscia di Gaza, tra cui omicidi, bombardamenti e distruzioni di case,  palazzi residenziali e istituzioni civili, e luoghi di culto nonché l`impedimento  dell'approvvigionamento di carburante e di beni e il taglio dell'energia elettrica nella Striscia di Gaza. Questo si inserisce nel contesto del prolungato assedio imposto alla striscia di Gaza da oltre sedici anni.