BFHR:The Bahraini Judiciary Resends the Message of “Sectarian Persecution” to Genevaby Accusing Al-Mishal of Malicious Charges Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) said in astatement that the Bahraini judiciary is resending messages issued from itsmethodology of “sectarian persecution” against freedoms to the Human RightsCouncil in Geneva, after accusing Sayed Majid Al-Mishal, the chairman ofBahrain’s Ulama Islamic Council (Islamic Scholars Council), of maliciouscharges. Bahrain’s Public Prosecution will refer his case to the competentcourt after the completion of the investigations, which were carried out withhim over practicing the right of expression “The Bahraini authorities went too far inestablishing the ethnic and sectarian discrimination against the Shiitenational component in Bahrain. It is still banning the UN Special Rapporteur onFreedom of Religion or Belief from visiting Manama. Also it is practicingdiscrimination against over 60% of the religious demography according to theUnited States Commission on International Religious Freedom”, BFHR added “The case of religious discrimination inBahrain will be one of the issues that a number of human rights authoritieswill be keen to raise with the opening of the next session of the Human RightsCouncil. Several reports had been delivered to the concerned authorities in theUnited Nations”. “Al-Mishal is a prominent religious figure calling for apolitical solution, religious tolerance and promoting the right of citizenship.These malicious measures against him should be stopped immediately,” BahrainForum for Human Rights concluded Bahrain Forum for Human Rights February 16,2016 |