Bahrain Forumfor Human Rights condemns raid on AyatollahQassim’s home by security forces Holding theBahraini government legally accountable, Bahrain Forum for Human Rights condemnsraid on Ayatollah Qassim’s home by security forces Bahrain Forum for Human Rights condemned the raid on the homeof Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Ahmed Qassim, who is one of Bahrain'sleading Shia clerics this morning in Diraz. The sheikh’s homewas thoroughly searched and his family’s ID cards, a well as one of his sons’ vehicles,were photographed. The Forum held Bahraini government officials legallyaccountable for taking these measures that threaten the sheik’s life and his religiousand national position. “This is the second time this prominent and influential Bahrainifigure was attacked by an illegal house raid, let alone the threats and abuses hereceived from officials during the last period. That is a result of Bahrain’s shifttowards becoming a hostile environment for freedom of speech and an incubatorfor various violations condemned by the international community,” the Forumadded. The Forum also pointed out that the illegal house raids havenot stopped; recording 39 raid cases during the period of five days prior tothe elections. In addition, 601 house raid cases were reported between July andSeptember 2014. This period witnessed an escalation in security measures that clearlyserved as an official pressure on the opposition to force it into participatingin the elections. The Forum considered that the authorities are taking revenge becauseof the electoral process failure by intensifying security measures instead of immediatelyimplementing BICI and Geneva recommendations and aradical change towards transitional justice and democracy.
Bahrain Forum for Human Rights 25/11/2014